Sunday, February 8, 2009

A Sunny Prelude

In this blog, I don't post about life. Instead, I contribute my thoughts on various topics, such as film, music, literature, animals and life amongst other things. Wait, I believe I did say I wouldn't share much on my personal doings, didn't I?

It's funny how specific blogs seem to be geared towards their own niches. A comment in a website I was viewing before (Which Free Blog is the Best?) summed it up best:

"Generally speaking, I see blogspot and wordpress used for more professional blog uses (like if you wanted to start one on a general subject/topic, on a hobby, whatever) whereas livejournal and xanga are more of the personal type blogs (you know, for those emo kids who want to rant about the woes of their daily life)."

Also funny because I do have a livejournal, and it is very personal. I talk of the ludicrous scandals I get involved in, the murders I cover up, the pies that I stick my fingers in... But with this blog, I'll keep it clean of any such personal activity.

Why did I go with a blogspot? Well, looking at the pros and cons for this and wordpress, it seemed that the latter had quite a few security problems. Hmm, yes.

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