Monday, February 9, 2009

Meet Me in St. Louis Review

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Judy Garland sure is something. Even nauseating perhaps, haha. Just stare at her face... her beauty is almost alien. As Esther Smith, she is plain adorable. Heck, the whole film is adorable. Not just a very sappy romance, but a comedy of consistent humour - I was in stitches for a large proportion of the running time.

The musical numbers naturally added to the flavour of the film. "Meet Me in St. Louis, Louis" did a great of job of introducing the characters and setting. "The Trolley Song"was pure fun, 'tis a song I need to learn for myself. Gah, just thinking about it makes me want to watch the scene again.

I'm going to reiterate the adorableness of it all. It's a positive story, a feel-good affair for all those involved and the Smith family is the type of fantasy (I presume). It is probably the family scenes that sucked me in big time, seeing the loving relations between little and big sister, seeing grandpa coming to the rescue...

It all made for great viewing. Despite not being too familiar at all with the movie prior to a few nights ago, this has rocketed high in my rankings. Just lovely.

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