Disclaimer 2: I'm feeling quite lazy, so I'm just going to throw out the key points and I'll trust you to piece it all together.
- So I haven't seen Watchmen. Monitored any updates while it was in production. The more I began to see of it, the less interested I became in it.
- If Alan Moore doesn't like it, then I don't like it either (haha).
- I do agree with what Moore has said. Reading Watchmen, I experience orgasms at moments throughout. It's spectacular, and the experience itself is one that I cherish.
- I don't want to watch the film and have that joy bastardised.
- Just seeing Matthew Goode as Ozymandias turned me off. Ozymandias is a wide jawed, perfect man. Goode looks like a geek. I want the character to remain the same way he has been on the page.
- Now that the movie has been released, some of the reviews have shared the same themes when it comes to negative criticism, particularly with Snyder's style. That is also strong fuel in my bid to stay away.
- I don't get the chance to be an elitist very often, so I'm embracing my stance here.
- lol at the 'fanboys/girls' who support the film. Ooh yeah, there's that elitism coming through.
- Other gripes from what I've seen/heard about the film: Nite Owl's souped up look, Silk Spectre II being a non-factor, the violence and sex being too graphic, the Comedian having a moustache in the Minutemen photo, the existence of a soundtrack, having to go through its marketing, artistic licence.
- The film is ending its run at the cinemas. Will I watch it when it comes out on DVD? Maybe... I definitely won't go hunting for it. Should it all fall in my lap (or other part of my body), I might consider it further.
- I could either watch it to confirm my dislike of it or watch it and ruin my entire Watchmen experience. Both could happen I guess.
- Well worth the dosh I forked out.
Utterly jizztastic. I can't express what goes through my head when I'm reading this... just recall the experience of having something incredibly delicious in your mouth and savouring it, and you'll have something similar to what I experience with Watchmen, usually when I'm visually a single frame.
- Rorschach scaling a building wall to the Comedian's apartment. In the film, his grappling gun seemingly launches him into the apartment, so that he is able to land on his feet on the window sill. In the comic, he climbs all the way up and into the building. No fancy crap.
- You can tell I'm not much of an elitist. Not enough self belief/brain washing.
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