Was blown away by this record. Hegarty's voice was a new experience. Nice review by Pitchfork. Absolutely adore "You Are my Sister", featuring Boy George, whose contribution is also amazing - his voice is so deeply rich! It's crazy, I've really latched on to that song in particular, while the rest of the album just glides by. Really ought to invest myself into the rest of the album... I know it's good, I just haven't been paid in full yet.
Culture Club - Colour by Numbers
Shocking cover, haha. Boy George really looks quite frightening... a frightening sad puppy. Anyway, album seems to be a case of a few great tracks + filler. "Karma Chameleon" is cool, so too "It's a Miracle". Boy George's voice really reminds me of George Michael... there's that velvety softness about it.
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