Monday, June 22, 2009

Can't think of an interesting title

Crash (1996)
That was hot. I was turned on. I'll never have sex with a car accident victim the same way again. Couldn't make much of the plot though... it was high brow pornography! Made for compelling viewing, probably because I'm a sick, sick pervert.

Very nice to see Elias Koteas. As someone on IMDB pointed out, he "was awesome as Casey Jones and looks like Christopher Meloni". Koteas is my godfather. He's been there for me since I was a child, haha.

MASH (1976)
This was confusing. The humour went here, there, then back here again, and then took another diversion.

Juno (2007)
The lingo killed me. The delivery of the lingo was worse. Juno is so quirky, so out there, so wicked. She's also too quirky, too out there, bla. There is no inate coolness about Juno, everything about her felt forced. I blame Ellen Page. She played "pretend cool", rather than "cool".

- I bet that half of the appeal to audience viewers was that burger phone. Teenage girls dig that sort of stuff.
- Michael Cera as a runner? Get the fuck out of here.
- Jennifer Garner is hot.

Poor human's Napoleon Dynamite. I also dislike this film because on Buddy Holly's artist page, "Dearest" is the top track instead of "Peggy Sue". Why? Because "Dearest" was on the soundtrack to the film. Great.

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