Monday, June 22, 2009

Atheism + Jehovah's Witnesses

The best thing about atheism is that I don't have to devote much energy into being an atheist. Recently read Richard Dawkins' The God Delusion (well, I gave up towards the very end... section didn't concern me). I was particularly interested in one area where Dawkins highlights particular sections of the Bible which aren't so nice. Long story short, I wanted to see what the religios would offer regarding incidences where rape is supposedly condoned.

One particular blog refuted that the taking of virgin women does not equal rape. Atheists see what they want to see. No rape is mentioned at all in the Bible, they say. It's called reading between the lines. But that takes me back to how I started this entry. I don't give too much care. Religious crazies can do what they want. While it is rather regrettable that I can't save any precious children from religion, in truth, I think human stupidity is going to win the war anyway. Maybe that's what being human is all about. Gah, that's kinda stupid, haha.

But yeah, I'm going to go on not caring. If I come across someone close (nah) who is religious, maybe I'll try beat it out of them.

I've been playing nice with these Jehovah's Witnesses. Next time they come up, I'm going to admit myself as a sinner. A huge sinner. If they try to save me, I'll proposition them. We'll go to Sodom. On my bicycle.

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