Saturday, February 14, 2009

You're tearing me apart!

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I found it difficult to connect with the characters. Wait no, I just didn't connect with the characters much at all. I had been made aware of the themes of teenaged alienation long ago, but none of it personally rang a bell with me. Don't get me wrong, I've gone through my teenage years (probably am still in it) being ultra emotional and all. Everything here felt exaggerated and foundation-lacking... as a result, I found it hard to sympathise with our protagonists. I'm going to assume that this was a movie of its time.

Dean in 'East of Eden' I enjoyed very much. Here though, it seemed too easy being all angst-ridden and confused. So yes, there are still lingering doubts regarding Dean (despite me thinking he was great in his first film).

The only thing that I enjoyed here were the early climactic points. Jim's confrontation with Buzz
was presented stunningly and left me gripping for the resolution.

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