Tuesday, February 24, 2009

We always knew you were a whoopsie

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First off, points to me for recognising Ian McKellen's voice. Well actually, I couldn't pinpoint the owner of the voice actually, rather I thought: "Hmm, sounds like Gandalf or something...".

'Stardust' was a fun fantastical adventure romance, adapted by the Neil Gaiman novel (which was much more darker in tone from what I've read) and which I assume was targeted at younglings (parental guidance advised - lightly depicted violence and gore). I felt in this aspect, it was a very nice modern rendition of the similar movies I had seen in my youth.

While I absolutely adore and idolise Claire Danes (very nice performance... great performances all around really), the whole no (or very blonde) eyebrows issue freaked me out. The lack of empowered female characters kinda bugged me (besides the villains, and we all know how they end up). Yeah, sure, Tristan's our hero, but ch'mon, let's apportion some of the important decision making and taking to other characters.

Gah, I really wish I had seen this in the cinemas. I remember reading about it before its release and priming myself to watch it, but for some reason I failed to do so. I would have been a very happy customer after leaving the theatre.

The humour was nice and readily available. The ever scheming princes were funny, Robert De Niro was great as the 'whoopsie' captain.

Okay time for some sly observations:
  • Kate Magowan, who played Una, looks like Aussie swimmer Stephanie Rice.
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  • Sienna Miller is rather nice looking. Albeit not of mind blowing proportions (as evident by my intact mind).
  • Peter O'Toole, hxc.
  • The numerical names of the princes were very hxc. 'Tis a strategy I may adopt when it comes to naming things (like children).

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