Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Four Albums...

... that did absolutely nothing for me.
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Mammal - The Majority
An Australian alternative rock/metal band, real up-and-comers. They sound like any other alternative rock/metal band. I really don't like when an Aussie accent comes through music (See 'ocker'). It doesn't sound pleasant and should only be applied in dialogue. The track featuring a didgeridoo gives me the impression of: "Hey, we've got a didgeridoo featured, how uniquely Australian of us!". That said, it was all still listenable, so points to Mammal.

Queensrÿche - Operation: Mindcrime II
American heavy metal/progressive metal band. Heard a lot about these lads back when I was a full time Dream Theater fan. Had also heard that Operation: Mindcrime was a good listen. Found its sequel at the library, listened to it, thought it was rather terrible. Harking back to medieval music, it's full of discordant sounds. Cheesy vocals are aplenty... man, and I thought Dream Theater were pushing the limits already. This was like watching a D-grade afternoon telemovie (ha, I'm sure the concept behind the album is worthy of that day slot. I've nothing positive to take away from this album.

Underoath - Define the Great Line
Rather generic all around. Their claim to being different is in the usage of samples and drum machines. Some of the band members thank Jesus Christ in the liner notes. I've never met the man personally, but I don't think highly of him, seeing that he may be the source of inspiration behind this music.

Rise Against - Appeal to Reason
Gave it two listens. Can't remember a thing from it. Can't even remember what they sound like. Back in the day, when I didn't listen to punk music, I used to deride it as all sounding the same. After actually working on the genre, I was glad to have been proven wrong. Rise Against takes me back to those days, and suggests that I wasn't totally wrong. But of course, every genre has its generic stuff. But then again, I've no clue as to where Appeal to Reason ranks in Rise Against's discography, so I'll keep an open ear for them. Same with Queensrÿche, I've hope that Operation: Mindcrime will be a good listen.

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