Saturday, August 1, 2009


Regarding this entry, when I google image 'Cornershop - When I Was Born for the 7th Time', my scan pops up! My faith in the internet has increased by 2 cm! Photobucket says that it has received 235 views (that's like all of the internet)! Excellent!

Tell you what, if I'm bored later today, I'll post a full size scan. Wait, make that two full sized scans. One unedited (with moire patterns and all) so that better artists than myself can improve it, and one edited (with my attempt at removing the moire pattern).

edit 8/8/09: Obviously, the above hasn't happened. Rather lazy about it. Give or take a few years.

Been lazy with this blog. Have shifted attentions to and rateyourmusic recently. I'll add the link to that side column later. One thing I don't get about rateyourmusic is their inclusion of films to the database. They should have created a separate site for movies and such. It's just silly rating films on a supposedly music website. Anyway, I've got imdb for that (have to add the link to 'My movies' list).

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