Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Iron Man 2 Review

- Too many attempts at comedic Woody Allen-esque dialogue. I overhear enough of that crap in my life already; I don't want to see actors wasting their breath like that.
- Jon Favreau, stick behind the camera. We don't need tertiary characters beating up goons. Heck, we don't even need primary/secondary characters (Black Widow) beating up goons.
- Speaking of Black Widow, she added very little to the drama. Just eye candy really. I imagined her character to be like many of the female spies that pop up in the James Bond films... very sneaky, very lethal. Here though, she seemed to be doing more paper work than espionage.
- Don Cheadle was respectable as James Rhodes. However, one questions his physical presence as a military man. Terrence Howard had more attitude, and would have served well here.
- The action scenes involving Whiplash came and went like a flash. In contrast, the action scenes with all those Hammer robots dragged on and on and on. I feel they should have made Whiplash much more fearsome... there seemed to be little doubt that Iron Man and War Machine would easily dispose of him. The climactic battle in the first film seemed more tense.
- At two hours, it was way too long.
- Too many references to the Avengers project.
- I'm sick of Stan Lee cameos. Couldn't they be more subtle, and slide him in a Hitchcock manner?
- Captain America's shield. Also so unsubtle. Why not just stick the first Avenger right in our face and get it over and done with? Same thing with Mjolnir in the post-credits scene (though at least that wasn't in the centre of the film).
- Monaco setting was brilliant. SUITCASE ARMOUR FOR THE WIN!!!

Friday, May 7, 2010


Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 doesn't have a wrap text around image functionality.

Instead, one is too manually wrap the text around an image.
